Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Endometrial cancer - What is and its symptoms and how to cure and prevention

Endometrial cancer, causes malignant tumor in the cells that line the uterus - known as the "endometrium" (Endometrium), and not for cancers that affect other parts of the uterus, for example Kkhalaaa muscle. In this type of cancer is often diagnosed early, given that the process of infection characterized by bleeding in the non-appointment or menstrual bleeding in women after menopause, and this allows processed. Get the majority of cases of cervical cancer in the generation between 50 and 65 years, and only 5% of cases, the ages occur in women who were less than 40 years.

The early detection of cervical cancer a key factor, it is possible to save a life. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of symptoms of the disease, there is great importance to go to the doctor. But if there are many risk factors, it can lead to cervical cancer disease, it is advisable to consult a doctor about screening survey, for early detection of cervical cancer.

Symptoms of endometrial cancer

It is possible that the symptoms of endometrial cancer in the form of vaginal bleeding show, the lady who exceeded the generation of menopause, or bleeding for a long time during the menstrual period, or vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods?, Secretion is not bloody unnatural from the vagina, pelvic pain, pain during sexual intercourse , as well as lower weight without following a certain diet.

In case you receive one of these signs, it is best to go to the doctor. But it could be the reason for the appearance of these symptoms hostile injury or other causes non-malignant. It is better - in any case - to go for a consultation in order to allow better treatment in front, in case there was talk about disease endometrial cancer.

The causes and risk factors for endometrial cancer

There is in general, a permanent balance in our body, between the amount of cells that die and the amount of new cells, which are produced by the division, which replace those dead. But, when the division process is unattended, and the production amount is larger cells than it should, develop a cancerous tumor. It is possible that the spread of these cells up to other organs of the body, affecting its performance and damage the fabric you are. It is not clear so far, what are the exact mechanism by which produces uterine cancer, but it seems there is the close relationship between the height of the amount of the hormone estrogen (Estrogen) versus another hormone - progesterone is (Progesterone), and the emergence of these tumors.

There are several factors that lead to this lack of hormonal balance:
  • The length of the period of fertiit: whenever the date for the earliest first menstruation, or the menopause generation in more delays, the more a woman is exposed to during her lifetime is greater than the hormone estrogen amounts.
  • Number of pregnancies: It is not yet clear, what is the reason for this, but it seems that the high incidence of pregnancy reduces the risk of injury. During the pregnancy hormone estrogen levels are high, but the contrast, progesterone levels are also high. It seems that high levels of Alhormonan together reduces the risk of injury.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle: irregular menstrual cycle refers to the improper high amounts of estrogen compared to progesterone, which leads to be women suffering from this disorder, exposed to during her lifetime, the largest of the hormone estrogen amounts.
  • Obesity: The secretion of estrogen in the ovaries. But it also secreted by fatty tissue in the body. Therefore, the more fatty tissue in the body, the more estrogen had a higher level. The likelihood of injury of women who suffer from obesity disease, cancer of the uterus, up to double or triple women's risk is toxins.
  • By estrogen hormone therapy: there are women receiving hormone therapy in order to reduce the symptoms of menopause generation. In case there was a need to receive hormonal treatment, it is important to be combined with progesterone.
  • There are other factors, is linked to estrogen, increase the risk of injury, such as: Advanced Generation, injury, disease, breast cancer, ovarian cancer or bowel in the past and treatment by the drug "tamoxifen" (Tamoxifen).
Also, it is important to note that even if these risk factors were present, not necessarily (not necessarily) to develop endometrial cancer.
The diagnosis of endometrial cancer

The doctor in the first stage, conducting vaginal examination, which tries to recognize that there was a touch blocks or other change in the uterus. Well, it could be held Ultrasonic imaging (Ultrasound), where this examination provides the vision and measure the thickness of the uterus. In case of doubt the area as being infected, it is possible to take a biopsy (Biopsy) through which determine the characteristics of tissue cells under the command doubtful.

The treatment of endometrial cancer

There is no need after being diagnosed with cervical cancer disease, for further tests, in order to diagnose the type of tumor and the extent of its spread in the womb or in the whole area of the body.

In general, the treatment of endometrial cancer required surgical treatment, during which a hysterectomy, the ovaries, uterine tubes (Fallopian tube) and the lymph nodes in the region. Despite being a big step with broad influence consequences, but this therapy is the only treatment in many cases. Lymph nodes must be examined in the region, in order to ensure that the tumor has spread to it, and whether there is a need for other treatments. In cases in which tumor has spread in to the lymph nodes in the nearby area (local), and be no doubts that the tumor has spread to other places in the body, be a need for integration between surgery and radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormonal therapy, by hormones progesterone or hormone-oriented glands genital (Gonadotropin) in large quantities.

Although hysterectomy is the best solution, but the hormonal treatment may have therapeutic potential for the young ladies, concerned to avoid a hysterectomy. This can be done if the tumor is still at an early stage, although the likelihood of continued survival and progress of the disease.

Despite the fear of the presence of metastases (Metastases) for cancer of the uterus, even if detected early, but effective treatment is very high up, where heal from cancer of the uterus about 95% of women.

Prevention of endometrial cancer

Although there is the possibility of preventing cervical cancer disease in the majority of cases, however, follow these steps, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing cancer of the uterus:

  1. In the event was used to treat hormone replacement after menopause, there is a need to receive treatment combines estrogen and progesterone.
  2. Use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Maintain a healthy body weight and doing physical activity.

Prostate symptoms and methods of treatment and how to prevent cancer

Prostate cancer is a cancer that is composed and evolved into the prostate gland (or: the prostate - Prostate gland). This is similar to the prostate gland, in form, a walnut, which is responsible for seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm cell production.

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Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers that appear in males. Get that as a result of confirmatory diagnosis of prostate gland cancer may constitute an exciting event for the fear and anxiety, not only because it is a life threatening disease, but also because the treatment of prostate cancer can lead to a variety of side effects, including problems in the bladder and impotence Control (ED / erectile dysfunction in men - Impotence), but the methods of diagnosis and treatment options available to prostate cancer have improved so much in recent years.

Have prostate cancer remains limited, usually, within the limits of the prostate gland, while the damage is not great and dangerous in particular. While growing some forms of prostate cancer moderately and needs a minimum of treatment only, or that he does not need at all prostate treatment, there are other types of it can be fierce and spread quickly.

If prostate cancer is detected in the early stages of the disease, when it is still confined within the prostate gland, the access to treatment which would overcome prostate cancer is the biggest disease.

  • Symptoms of prostate cancer

In its early stages, prostate cancer is not accompanied by, usually, by any side effects can be distinguished and observed. Too many are the cases in which the diagnosis of prostate cancer is not only after the tumor has spread beyond the gland. When most men, are the first to detect, for the first time, the presence of prostate cancer, often, during a routine examination for the detection of PSA (PSA - Prostate - specific antigen) or through Asbaa examination (finger) rectal (DRE - Digital Rectal Examination).

When you show up, already, symptoms or early signs, nature concerns the degree of evolution of the cancerous tumor or the extent of its spread to other organs.

The first symptoms may include the presence of a cancerous tumor in the prostate gland problems urinating caused by the pressure posed by the cancerous tumor on the bladder or the tube that carries urine from the bladder (urethra - Urethra).

However, the urination problems can be, usually, a sign of many good problems (non-malignant) in the prostate gland, such as: hyperplasia Almothy Hamid (or: hyperplasia nodular, or: enlarged prostate Hamid) (BPH - Benign prostatic hyperplasia) or prostate infection. So that less than 5 per cent of cases of cancer in the prostate to be accompanied by urination problems, and as a first initial.

Signs that could indicate problems with urination include:

  • Difficulty in urination
  • The beginning of the urine out, then stop (more than once) during urination
  • Increasing pressure in the flow of urine (Urine flow)
  • The appearance of blood in the urine
  • The appearance of blood in the semen
  • Swelling in the legs
  • Discomfort in the pelvis
  • Continuous pain in the bones
  • The emergence of broken bones
  • Pressure on the spine

The causes and risk factors for prostate cancer

Cancer is a group of abnormal cells that multiply faster than normal cells pace and refuses to die. And cancer cells have the ability to invade healthy tissues and cause destruction, either by growth directly on top of the surrounding tissue, but after moving to other organs in the body, through the circulatory system or through the lymph glands (Send metastases - Metastases).

Microscopic tumor (which can not be seen only with a microscope) can evolve in the form of small clusters continue to grow and develop to become more tissue density and more solid.

It is not known, until now, the real reason that leads to the exact be the development of prostate cancer and why certain types of tumors behave differently than others. Researchers believe that a combination of several different factors are responsible for this development and is key to understand it. These factors include: genetics, ethnicity, hormones, nutrition and environmental factors.

Awareness is a risk factor for prostate cancer is an important element that can help one to take decisions on whether the need already - though, when - for an examination for early detection of prostate cancer.

Nutrition - Men who eat a diet rich in fat and men who are overweight are more likely to develop prostate cancer. One theory says that fat promotes the production of testosterone (Testosterone), which could encourage the production of cancer cells.

Elevated levels of testosterone (Testosterone) - including that testosterone stimulates and accelerates the growth of the prostate gland, the men who ate treatment is a hormone Kan or a central aspect in it, they are more likely to have prostate cancer than men who have lower levels of testosterone. Moreover, doctors indicates concern that testosterone treatment may stimulate the spread of prostate cancer and the outbreak, if it already exists. Also, testosterone therapy a long and sustained period can lead, too, to the enlarged prostate gland (benign tumor in the prostate gland).

Complications of prostate cancer

Complications resulting from prostate cancer may be a direct result of the disease itself or as a result of the treatment.
One of the biggest fears and the worst in men with prostate cancer, on the whole, is that cause them the necessary treatments problem early stream (premature ejaculation / rapid - Ejaculatio praecox) or lack of access to adequate erection for sexual intercourse (impotence / sexual dysfunction - Impotence).
Fortunately, various treatments can, through which are available today, the face of these problems and address them.

Diagnosed with prostate cancer

It may have prostate cancer is accompanied by any symptoms at first.
It could very well be the first show that appears is a specific problem to be discovered only by a single scanning various tests, such as:

  • Asbaa examination (finger) rectal (DRE - Digital Rectal Examination)
  • Screening for PSA (PSA - Prostate - specific antigen)
  • Ultrasound imaging (Turasaund - Ultrasound) through the anus
  • Biopsy (Biopsy) of the prostate gland

Prostate cancer classification:

While there are results of the examination of the biopsy and presence of a cancerous tumor, the next step, so-called "category", which aim to determine the lethality of cancer outbreak. The examination of tissue samples, and a comparison is made between cancer cells and between healthy prostate cells. And the greater the degree of difference between cancer cells and healthy cells, cancer lethality be the highest level and are more likely to spread more quickly.

Cancer cells differ among themselves, usually, in terms of shape and size. Some of these cells may be very deadly, while others do not be lethal, absolutely. The specialist can pathologist (a specialist Pathology - Pathologist) to determine the most lethal types of cancer cells and the diagnosis of the degree of severity and Khtorthma.

Staging the most commonly used to determine the level of prostate cancer recurs according to Gleason scale. And determines the Gleason scale (Gleason Score) staging of 1-5 for the two types of prostate cancer, the most prevalent, according to the shape of the cells under a microscope. And determines the sum of the two numbers, which have been acquiring them staging public cancerous tumor has appointed a person who is subject to examination. This staging can range between 2 (which is a deadly cancer) to 10 (which is a very deadly cancer).

Grading prostate cancer:

After you determine the severity of prostate cancer and the degree of lethality, comes the next step, which is called "staging", which determine how far the cancer has spread and outbreak.
And grading of prostate cancer are, usually, according to four levels, depending on the extent of its spread:

First Class: This class refers to a very preliminary stage of cancer, as it is still confined to the microscopic area (ie: very small and can not be seen only with a microscope) doctor can not touch detection.

Second-class: In this class, the sensor can be cancerous tumor, but it is still confined within the prostate gland only.

Third class: In this class, the tumor had moved and spread to outside the prostate gland, to Ahoislten Alntin (Ahoisltan which are responsible for semen production - Seminal vesicle) or to nearby tissues.

Class IV: In this class, the tumor has spread and outbreaks in the lymph nodes, bones, lungs or other organs in the body.

Prostate Cancer Treatment

There is more than one way in the treatment of prostate cancer. For some men, it is a combination of a number of treatments, such as surgery with radiation therapy (Radiotherapy), or radiation therapy with hormonal treatment (hormone replacement therapy), the best solutions to their cases. Choose the best method of treatment for a particular man on several factors.

These factors include: the cancerous tumor growth speed, how far the tumor has spread, what is the age of the man and how much is expected to live, as well as the possible pros and cons associated with each treatment. The most common and widely used treatments for prostate cancer include:

External beam radiation therapy - EBRT

In external radiation therapy (radiation Rntjn x - ray) is very powerful for the destruction of cancer cells is the use of X-rays. This type of radiation is very effective in destroying cancer cells, but it may also attack healthy tissue.

Side complications resulting from external radiation therapy and symptoms include:

  • Difficulties in urination
  • Loose stools, hematochezia (bleeding from the anus - Hematochezia), a feeling of malaise and discomfort during a bowel or feeling the need to intestines work continuously and constantly (pester anal)
  • Side effects when sexual activity

Instill nuclear grafts (radioactive - Radioactive)

It has become a way of instilling taste (taste / implant - Implant) nuclear (radioactive) within the prostate gland, in recent years, and therapeutic acceptable way to address the common prostate cancer. These grafts implanted, called brachytherapy (Brachytherapy - radiation therapy using ionizing radiation, where the radiation source is placed a short distance / close body User wizard), or, give a dose of radiation is much higher than external radiation therapy, and over a longer period of time.

This therapeutic method is used, usually, in men who have the cancerous tumor have a small treatment, even medium, size, and those who have Tdrejehm low in terms of the degree of the disease they have.

Hormonal treatments

Hormone therapy is aimed at preventing the body from the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which can stimulate the production of cancer cells.

Side effects of hormone therapy include:
  • Breast inflation (Gynecomastia)
  • Inhibition of sexual desire
  • Impotence
  • Waves of fever
  • overweight
  • Reduced muscle mass (Muscle mass) and bone mass (Bone mass)

Pharmaceutical hormones that make up the basic compounds can cause the following:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Some damage to the liver

The eradication of the prostate gland:

Removal of the prostate gland by the surgical procedure, which is called "the eradication of the prostate gland," are made, often, as a means to deal with the cancerous tumor is still confined within the prostate gland. During the operation, the surgeon using a number of special techniques to eradicate the prostate gland and surrounding lymph nodes.

This surgery can affect the muscles and nerves groups that control the process of urination and sexual capacity. There are two ways to eradicate Jrahitan prostate gland are: Surgery suprapubic line, the lower abdomen, and the surgery perineum (the area between the anus and the vagina when the female and between the anus and the scrotum in males - Perineum).

Complications side prostatectomy include, inter alia, also impotence.

  • Laparoscopic surgery to eradicate prostate gland with the help of the robot (Robot - assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy - RALRP).
  • Wait-and-wait under the close surveillance and tight.

Checking blood prepared for the detection of PSA (PSA - Prostate - specific antigen), can help in the detection of prostate cancer in its early stages. This test allows for a lot of men choose a period of wait-and-wait under close monitoring aggravating, as one of the treatments.

  • Chemical treatment (chemotherapy - Chemotherapy).
  • Freeze treatment (Cryotherapy).
  • Gene therapy (genetic) or the treatment of the immune system.

The prevention of prostate cancer

It can not prevent prostate cancer, but it can take several measures to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, or reduce the development if it actually may be,.
  • Healthy nutrition
  • The practice of physical activity, regularly

Studies conducted on the issue of the prevention of prostate cancer has shown that the drug finasteride (Finasteride) (Brskar - Proscar, or: Brobaishea - Propecia) can prevent, or hinder, the development of prostate cancer in men who at the age of 55 years and above.

This medicine is used today for control of the enlarged prostate and hair loss in men. But, also it shows that the "Finasteride" (finasteride) a lot of problems in sexual life and increases the risk of a little more kinds of lethal prostate cancer. Currently, this medicine is not recommended as a treatment routine can prevent prostate cancer.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

AVG Anti-Virus Professional 2016.7539

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April 15, 2016
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